Payment Policy

Below is the procedure on how subs will be received and payment options available.

When you register online via “my comet” you are agreeing to Coastal Spirit payment terms and
conditions and accept liability of this subscription amount.
You will be able to pay your subscriptions by
Cash Eftpos or Online banking (01-0833-0096385-00 – Use players name as reference)
All outstanding subscriptions need to be paid in full by the 1 st May 2020 – unless a payment plan
has been set up with the office. If these fees are not paid by the above date $20 will be added to your account. All Fees need to
be paid before 1 st June 2020. Players who are un-financial after this date will be suspended from playing until payment or an arrangement has been made.
All correspondence regarding subscriptions needs to be directed to Coastal Spirit office via email to or phone 03 381-2661.
All members who have not paid their fees from the previous season can only register if they pay outstanding fees and the current year’s fees in full.