Anti-Harassment Policy
Harassment, including sexual or racial harassment, is unwelcome, unsolicited and unreciprocated behaviour by a person or group that may offend, humiliate or intimidate another. Harassment can take different forms including oral, written, physical or other non-verbal forms. Such behaviours are considered harassment when they are repeated of such a significant nature threat they have a detrimental effect on the recipient’s ability to engage in normal activities within the club environment.
If a complaint is made, Coastal Spirit Football Club will ensure allegations are responded to promptly and all parties will be treated fairly and in line with natural justice.
Informal Resolution
The member should appropriately make the person aware that the behaviour or material is unwelcome and /or offensive in the first instance. For more serious issues, or if is too difficult to inform the person, or if the unacceptable behaviour continues, the member should report the complaint to a contact person/ team manager and or club representative.
Where the complainant wishes, the contact person/ team manager/ or club representative may speak to the alleged harasser on their behalf. This may result in issues being resolved, or mediation or reconciliation may be suggested as an option.