Draft Constitution

The Coastal Spirit Board have worked through the requirement to re-incorporate under the new 2022 Incorporated Societies Act.

This process required the drafting of a new constitution that is compliant with the requirements of the new Act. Work has now been completed, and the proposed constitution is available for consultation with our members.

The key changes the new Act are that;

  • It defines the minimum number of members.

  • It defines the requirements and duties of an officer.

  • It includes the requirement to have a dispute resolutions process that is consistent with the rules of natural justice.

  • Includes new requirements for financial reporting standards and sets clear thresholds for auditing.

  • Determines the Records required to be kept.

It has also provided an opportunity to produce a governing document that is an inclusive and appropriate reflection of our modern society.

There is a link below to the NZ Companies office of a summary comparison between the 1908 and the new 2022 Act Law changes for incorporated societies | Incorporated Societies

There are further resources available on both the Sport New Zealand websites and New Zealand Football Websites.

Why does the club need to re-incorporate?

If we don’t, Coastal Spirit would cease to exist as an entity which would remove any right to make decisions on behalf of our club.

  • The club could not sign any new contracts.

  • We would not be able to apply for any grant funding.

  • The name of our club would no longer have any protection.

Please take the time to review the proposed new constitution document available here . Any questions or feedback can be directed to Mel Swallow (mel@coastalspirit.co.nz).

The consultation period will close on Monday the 31st of March. A Special General Meeting will be held at our Linfield clubrooms on Monday the 7th of April at 7pm to vote on the adoption of the proposed constitution. We thank you for your time and look forward to your attendance.

Coastal Spirit Draft Constitution